Friday 19 September 2008

Spring in Canberra

The days are warming up and Floriade is in town. It is still usually 2 or 3 degrees first thing in the morning but the days are kicking into action with about 17 degrees, today however a promised 23 is expected, excellent!

The balloons have started coming over our house again, so I thought I'd share a shot of them. At first we used to hear the roar of the burners going off and didn't realise for a while what it was (as it was usually before 0730!) so too tired at the weekend to get up and look out of the window. You also don't want to go out into the garden to look at them in your slippers and dressing gown as they can see you!!

I think I will start to put in some chillies and tomato plants into the very small veg bed so at least we may get some fruit from them before we leave.

The gum trees are flowering at the moment and it is these colours that are the inspiration for the colour scheme in Parliament house.

This is the Wattle in flower, many bees were all over it.

Both of these pictures were taken on the Black Moutain near the Telstra tower.

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