Monday 29 September 2008

Floriade Nightfest

The strange thing about Canberra this time of the year is that the weather is fab during the day usually blue sky and sunshine and about 19-24 degrees, then as the sun goes down the temperature plummets, so with this in mind we took (and wore) many layers of clothing to the nightfest.

The flower beds were lit up with different colour lights, the night market stalls seemed to have an abundance of soaps on sale, the Felt Stall was full of lovely things (but I managed to resist, this time!). The main events of the evening was the screening of Australian Comedy short films, (hence the need for big coats and blankets) which were very enjoyable, followed by a performance by Strange Fruit which are best described as people balancing on high carbon poles inside giant lampshades! It was enjoyable and slightly hypnotic as they swayed on the poles! It was not everyones 'cup of tea' however having a few glasses of wine myself I liked it!

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