Sunday 2 November 2008

Spiders spiders spiders!

I thought I would post pictures of all the spiders we have so far encountered in Canberra and in our travels around Australia. But as I searched 'my pictures' I realise that we haven't taken photos of all the ones we have seen! Mmm maybe it is because when we see a redback we spray it, their black shiny bodies, spindly legs and red hour glass marking make them look menacing and using the macro on the camera means that you have to actually get quite close to get a good photo, which often as not takes more than one go!

So no photos of the 5 redbacks we have had in and living outside the house nor of the lone whitetail that was wandering aroung the study.
But photos of the rather scary looking but harmless Huntsman who was positioned on the wall in the ensuite shower, we had a bit of a job fitting all his long legs into the glass so we could let him outside!

Golden Orb weaver seen in Cape Tribulation and Daintree National park, this colourful spider was just hanging out in the toilets! again not harmful.

This is the Wolf spider, we have a similar spider in UK and currently there are about 4 of these quite timid but will bite you spiders living on the edge of the patio in burrows they have dug themselves, this quite large one has even got down to the red soil beneath the concrete rubble.
Yes that is our rather fetching plastic lawn framing the spider, no need to water or mow!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Well done on managing to combine being British and talking about Australian spiders without a hint of hysteria :-)

Those orb spiders with their glowing red knees are the most evil looking spiders I have ever encountered – I have a photo of one like this from Kakadu. This one is obviously a tropical species, but there are plenty of species that live further south too. The problem with them is they tend to build webs at head height and sit in the middle. Walking through the bush in some places can be a not altogether pleasant experience, expecting at any minute to have a huge spider sitting on your nose.

I'll tell you my funnelweb story when we meet up in Preuilly one day :-)