Tuesday 20 November 2007

Jasper secured

Much Yowling later, (he even started doing the really low moaning sounds to add effect to his obvious misery!)
The meeting of the resident cat Missy, was composed of a brief spell of hissing then both skulking off to darkened corners of the lounge.
Poor jasper didnt really eat for a day or two, not really a problem at the moment due to his impressive girth, however he did manage some milk so he wont entirely fade away!

On returning home on Sunday at 5pm (ish) we encountered a blizzard at the top of Birdlip it was a brief reminder of the weather we would be leaving in about 4 weeks, massive flakes splatted on the windscreen - brilliant!

Poor Tiger greeted us with a pathetic meow, he had been lonely (no-one to fight with anymore), he'll be off soon to live in Bristol.

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